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Embracing Change: The Power of Positive Transformation for Business Success

business of interior design career growth creating positive habits good habits leadership overcoming self doubt personal development personal growth Nov 10, 2023
Why is change so hard for many people? Exploring impact of change on the brain.

Change – it's a word that often sends shivers down our spines. Last week, I faced a change that rocked me to the core. I woke up early and jumped in the shower, followed by a trip to the coffee maker. This is my favorite time of the morning. As I was standing there, grabbing my coffee mug and a K-cup, it dawned on me that we had switched brands.

Ugh! (I am pretty sure I groaned out loud as both dogs raised their ears, tilted their heads, and stared at me.) I don’t want a different brand of coffee. I want the same one I have drank for ages. Now, I had agreed to the switch, but when it came down to drinking the new coffee, I just wanted my old coffee back.

Just like my morning coffee dilemma when faced with a different brand of k-cups, we often resist change, even if it's for the better. Why do we cling to the familiar, and why does change sometimes feel like the enemy?

In this article, we will dive deep into the human psyche to explore why we resist change, how it affects our minds, and most importantly, how to make positive changes in your life, especially concerning your business endeavors. From the impact of habits to actionable steps, we'll uncover the secrets to embracing change and unlocking its transformative potential.


The Comfort of the Familiar

Change is hard. It's like navigating uncharted territory and often met with resistance. The reason is rooted in our brain's natural tendency to seek comfort and predictability. When we stick to our routines, we create a sense of stability and security. Just like my beloved morning coffee, we find solace in the familiar – the way things have always been.

However, the truth is that without change, there can be no growth. In business, as in life, stagnation is the enemy of progress. Embracing change is essential for staying relevant, innovative, and successful. But first, let's understand how change affects the mind.


The Cognitive Discomfort of Change

When we encounter change, our brains often react with discomfort. It's not just a preference for the familiar; it's also a cognitive response to the uncertainty that change brings. The brain's fear center, the amygdala, can trigger stress responses when faced with the unknown. This is why even positive changes, like a promotion or a new business opportunity, can induce anxiety.

The amygdala is known as the brain's alarm system, and it reacts to change by releasing stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. This is the body's natural "fight or flight" response. It's designed to protect us from danger, but in the modern world, this response can be triggered by non-threatening changes, leading to feelings of anxiety and discomfort.

However, it's important to note that not all brain responses to change are negative. The prefrontal cortex, the part of our brain responsible for decision-making and problem-solving, can learn to associate change with opportunity rather than threat.

This is where neuroplasticity comes into play. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. This means that our brains constantly adapt to our environments and experiences, helping us learn and grow.

In the face of change, we can train our brains to respond more positively by practicing mindfulness, seeking support, and reframing our perspective on the situation. For example, viewing a job change not as a loss but as an opportunity to learn new skills and meet new people can help reduce the stress response and promote a more positive outlook.

Furthermore, engaging in regular physical activity can also help manage the physical symptoms of stress, as exercise has been shown to decrease levels of tension, elevate and stabilize mood, improve sleep, and improve self-esteem.


The Role of Habits in Change

Habits play a significant role in our resistance to change. Habits are like the well-worn paths in our minds, and change requires forging new ones. Whether it's in our personal or business life, breaking free from established habits can be challenging.

For example, if you've developed a habit of procrastination when faced with a daunting project, changing that habit to become more productive is a considerable task. This reluctance to abandon the old, comfortable habits can hinder your growth.



But the good news is that habits are malleable. Understanding how they work and actively working on changing them can make embracing change significantly more manageable. The best book I have read on habits is “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to create new or break old unhealthy habits.


Actionable Steps Toward Positive Change in Business

Embracing change in your business is akin to embarking on an exciting journey. Yet, it often requires more than just a casual stroll down the path of transformation. The process demands a structured approach, a shift in mindset, and a series of actionable steps that can lead to remarkable growth and improvement.

As we delve into these steps, remember that change is not a menacing obstacle but rather a natural part of life and business. It presents us with unique opportunities for innovation, progress, and new horizons.

Whether you're considering adopting new technologies, refining your marketing strategy, or restructuring your workflow, the following actionable steps will provide you with a compass to navigate the complexities of change in your business.


Mindset Shift

The first and most critical step in embracing change is cultivating a shift in your mindset. Instead of viewing change as a threat to the status quo, perceive it as a promising avenue for growth and improvement.

I can’t begin to tell you how many times I was faced with a big change where I felt lost or scared, but over time, I realized that change was necessary for the next thing to come in my life. Know this is the case, I now look at change as something exciting is to come. I don’t necessarily know what it is and it is painful at this very moment, but something positive is around the corner waiting for me.

Recognize that change is an inherent aspect of both life and business, driving evolution and innovation. The mindset shift centers on the understanding that, while change may be accompanied by challenges and uncertainties, it's also a powerful catalyst for exciting new prospects. Approach change with a positive attitude, acknowledging that it can open doors to fresh ideas, enhanced strategies, and a brighter future for your business.


Set Clear Goals

To effectively navigate change, you must set clear and well-defined goals for your business. Whether you're contemplating technological advancements, refining marketing tactics, or restructuring your operations, a sense of direction is paramount. Clearly, articulated goals serve as your guiding stars, offering a roadmap to follow.



Define precisely what changes you want to implement and the outcomes you hope to achieve. This clarity keeps you on course and provides a tangible measure of progress. As you encounter the inevitable challenges of change, well-defined goals will remind you of the bigger picture and the positive transformations you're working toward.


Break Down Changes

Change can often appear as an imposing mountain to conquer. Its vastness and complexity can be overwhelming, leading to hesitation and resistance. Feeling overwhelmed by a change leads to procrastination or avoidance. To mitigate this, consider breaking down the change into smaller, more manageable steps.

Similar to a large design project, if you break it down into smaller steps, you are more likely to complete the project on time rather than feel overwhelmed.

By dissecting the transformation into incremental phases, it becomes less daunting. This approach empowers you to tackle one aspect of the change at a time, fostering a sense of achievement and reducing the anxiety associated with extensive overhauls. Small, consistent victories pave the way for a smoother transition, allowing you to acclimate to the new landscape gradually.


Seek Feedback and Support

Embracing change is not a solitary endeavor. It's an opportunity to connect with mentors, colleagues, and trusted business advisors who can offer valuable insights and unwavering support.

Seeking feedback and engaging in collaborative discussions can be incredibly reassuring during times of change.

Other perspectives can shed light on unexplored possibilities and provide solutions to challenges that may arise. Collaborative experiences also nurture a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose, making the journey through change less solitary and more inspiring.

Finally, just hearing from a friend or a close relative can help soothe our brain and reduce stress. When I was in my 20s, I moved 1,100 miles from home, which was tough. I was a new mom, I was single and I was trying to build my career. Periodically, my father would call and leave a message (this was before texting) telling me that I was a survivor and that I was strong. The belief he had in me would always lift my spirits. It always made me feel like I could tackle anything. It gave me strength. The crazy thing was that he somehow knew when I needed that pep talk.


Consistency is Key

As you navigate through change, remember that building new, positive habits takes time and unwavering consistency. Once you've identified the habits that have been hindering your progress, focus on implementing new ones that align with your goals and desired changes. It's crucial to remain steadfast in your commitment, even when the going gets tough. Consistency reinforces the newly established habits, making them a natural part of your daily routine. Over time, these habits will become the driving force behind lasting and positive change in your business.


Learn and Adapt

Embracing change is an ongoing process, and adaptability is the key to your continued growth and success. Your journey doesn't end once you implement a new strategy or technological solution.

Instead, it's a continuous cycle of learning and adaptation. Seek opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills through workshops, conferences, and training sessions. Staying updated and evolving alongside our industry's evolving landscape will keep you competitive and empower you to thrive in the ever-changing business environment.

Incorporating these actionable steps into your approach to change will help you not only navigate the process effectively but also extract the maximum benefit from it. Remember that change, while challenging, is a vehicle for progress, innovation, and the sustained growth of your business.

In conclusion, while our brains may naturally resist change, understanding the cognitive discomfort it brings and the role of habits can help us overcome this resistance. Embracing change is essential for business success, as it opens doors to innovation and growth. By adopting a positive mindset, setting clear goals, breaking down changes, seeking support, staying consistent, and remaining adaptable, you can navigate the ever-evolving business landscape with confidence and enthusiasm. Change, after all, is the fuel for progress.

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