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Building a Brand through Story – Here is our Story

behind interior design blog for interior designers branding for interior designers interior design Mar 02, 2022

Everyone has a story. Some have an inspiring story, while others try to find their way. Businesses are no different. Most businesses were started with a mission and purpose in mind. Today, we are sharing our story of how and why I built GA Interior Solutions and Behind the Design.

Your story matters to your clients. It may feel like you are self-promoting, which you are, but you are doing it in a good way. For example, creating a video for your target audience, explaining the story of the business, and how you help your clients will help drive prospect conversion. In other words, when your audience sees your authenticity and desire to help your clients, it propels them to want to do business with you.

If you want to learn about creating a brand story, check out these articles:


How to Effectively Position Your Brand Using Digital Marketing Funnel 

What Interior Designers Need to Know about Brand Marketing

What is Branding and Why is it Essential for Your Interior Design Business

 Want to know more about branding? Check out our newly launched course "Build Your Brand Identity Beyond Logos: How Interior Designers Can Use Branding to Build a Successful Design Business". This is a 1.5 IDCEC credited course and is $49!


Video Script:

 Hi, Welcome to GA Interior Solutions and Behind the Design. We appreciate you joining our community.

First, let me introduce myself. My name is Jacqueline Green, and I am the founder of GAI and Behind the Design. I am an interior designer and an adjunct professor in Littleton, Colorado.  

I started GAI to help interior designers. After spending an entire career working in marketing for large corporations and small businesses, I went back to school, graduated with top honors, and worked in several architectural firms as an interior designer. And, eventually, I began teaching.

As I got more into my new career, I saw many opportunities where interior designers could use some help growing their careers and their businesses.

Being an interior designer is an amazing career, and many of you are really rockin it. But, unfortunately, quite a few interior designers aren’t making enough money to support a family or build a retirement plan.

This usually has nothing to do with how amazing you are as a designer. It has to do with not learning how to build and grow a small business. You went to school for interior design. No one mentioned all the other things this career includes: marketing, selling, managing employees, leading a team, finances, and project management.

Don’t even get me started on the software and technology. But, you get my point. It is exhausting.

I wanted to create this company to help you. I wanted you to feel like you had a trusted partner that was by your side, giving you the little push here and a lot of help there when you need it.

How are we doing it? First, we are helping designers learn software like Revit and SketchUp. Customers are now demanding 3D models and renderings. Our training programs focus on what you want to learn because we all learn differently.

Next, we are providing education beyond college through continuing educational courses, free articles, and resources to help you grow your professional skills, as well as your business.

Finally, we are providing the support and community you have been searching for. Not only are we offering services, but we also want to connect people with others that can help you.

Our mission is to help build a stronger design community by reimagining training, education, and resources for interior designers after college.

Before you go, please join us by signing up below this video. When you sign up, you will have access to our many free resources and discounts on our courses.

Please, if you think of someone who might benefit from our services, please pass us along. I really appreciate it.

If you need anything or have a suggestion on how we can better serve our community, don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to help you.

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At Behind the Design, we are committed to building a stronger design community by reimagining education, training, and support for interior designers. Through our various software training options, educational articles covering everything from leadership to marketing, and soon Continuing educational courses, we are committed to helping you. Join our newsletter to get the latest education and training updates.

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